Data Center REITs
Data Centers are the home of the "cloud"“, the physical epicenter of the internet. Typically housed in windowless industrial-style buildings surrounded by massive generators and cooling equipment, data centers provide the critical infrastructure - power, cooling, and physical rack space - to a variety of enterprise customers with different networking and computing needs.
Typically housing millions of terabytes of mission-critical data for thousands of individual customers, physical data security and operational reliability are crucial attributes of data center facilities. Data Center REITs own roughly 30% of investment-grade data center facilities in the US and command roughly a fifth of data center capacity globally.
Ticker Symbol | Company Name | Property Sector | Market Cap ($B) | Dividend Yield | Payout Frequency | Price-to-FFO | Debt Ratio | Short Interest | |
DLR | Digital Realty | Data Center | 41.91 | 3.60% | Quarter | 20.6 | 38% | 4.9% | |
EQIX | Equinix | Data Center | 75.89 | 2.11% | Quarter | 25.9 | 22% | 1.8% | |
IRM | Iron Mountain | Diversified & Specialty | 19.27 | 3.94% | Quarter | 22.1 | 48% | 3.9% | |
DBRG | Digital Bridge | Data Center (Non-REIT) | 2.70 | 0.24% | Quarter | 40.0 | -- | 10.3% | |